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4 Days

  • Check availability
  • Cusco
  • 8
  • 60
  • 2 - 15


We’ll pick you up from your hotel between 5:30am and 6:00am and then we’ll leave Cusco, ascending to the high mountain area of Paucartambo. On the way we will visit the funeral towers of Ninamarca and after that we’ll achieve Ajanaco at 3600m. From this point we’ll descent through the mysterious cloud forest full of beautiful orchids, heliconias and primitive ferns. With some luck we´ll be able to witness cock of the rocks mating ritual, by making a stop in the area. There are also possibilities to observe the Amazonian Umbrella bird, Trogons, Quetzals or Oropendolas amongst others. In this area also lives the Spectacled Bear. In the afternoon we’ll arrive to the village of Pilcopata. Night over in our Manu Green Lodge with showers and toilets.

After a delicious breakfast we’ll walk in the morning to explore the jungle, on the way we’re going to see a coca plantation, many types of birds, plants and monkeys and so will be able to experience the wild life. We’ll arrive to Atalaya Port, where we will take the motor boat and sail through the Alto Madre de Dios River. On the way we’ll stop and will walk through a trail having the chance to take a bath in the hot springs of this area. After that we’ll continue sailing towards our lodge. In the afternoon, after having lunch, we’ll explore the jungle and will sail on the Machuhuasi Lake in a balsa raft. This zone teems with life, species like hoatzins, monkeys, dwarf alligators, capybaras, tapirs and much more. With some luck it will be possible to see many of them. After dinner we’ll have an interesting night walk to finish our day. Accommodation in our Paititi Lodge with private bathrooms and showers.

Very early in the morning we’ll start sailing for approx. 25 minutes until the parrot clay lick (Wall of clay with minerals), where we’ll be able to observe many species of parrots. After that, we´ll have breakfast. The rest of the morning we’ll spend walking inside the forest, arriving to the private Maravilla lagoon from a platform we can see a variety of birds, monkeys or dwarf alligators. Later we’ll return to our lodge for lunch and a relaxing time. In the afternoon and at night we’ll go through trails in order to spot the wild life, insects, frogs, spiders, etc. Night over in our Paititi Lodge

After a delicious breakfast we’ll return by boat from the Paititi lodge to Atalaya, where the bus will be awaiting for us to return to Cusco, passing again through the mysterious cloud forest. We’ll arrive around 7:00pm to Cusco after leaving behind the lush forest and Andes Mountains landscapes.

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Do you have any questions?

Feel free to call us. We are a team of experts and will be happy to assist you.

+51 978 730 410

+51 984 766 667


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